Friday, January 8, 2010

Desperate Housewife

Ok, so my date the other night went horribly. The guy was SUPER short which is not cute nor sexy. Then the way he dressed was ridiculous. Are we living in 1955? He looks like he could have been a T-Bird! (Grease) He wasn't a gentleman, when I got to the coffee shop he had already ordered his coffee. RUDE! What made me laugh is that I was taller than him. OMG! I can see why he has a problem getting dates. I am dying for attention. I don't know what my problem is. I am so bored at home tired of being a wife. It's the same thing day in and day out with the kids. I'm sick of it. I never get time for myself and my husband basically ignores me till its time to go to bed and he gets his blowjob and I "go for a ride" as he calls it. Really, thats not even sex. Its not satisfying to me at all. I do all the work. I get nothing out of it. I need a man that is gonna rock my world, knock my sox off, make me feel like a woman!!!
Well, this is where my husbands best friend comes in. They have been friends for a few years now and instantly when I met him I thought he was dead sexy. OMG, what a man!!! I love it. He's a cross between George Clooney and that older guy that won American Idol. Oh so sexy!!! Anyway, when he is over here I am always bitching about not getting laid, etc. etc. just to tease and make fun of my husband in front of his friend. Well a few months back he texted me and asked if he could come over. I thought it was strange until I put 2 and 2 together and figured out he wanted to come see me... Ding ding ding! LOL! Ohhhhhhhh. LOL! I was flattered but unfortunately I couldn't b/c my kids are home and I was on my way out anyway. But we have been texting ever since and they are purely flirty texts that talk about getting together and wanting to have a good time. I could not imagine myself having an actual affair. Is it an affair already b/c we talk about it and have a good connection even though we dont have sex?
I'm probably stupid for even considering it but DAMN do I need it. He is so sexy. I don't know if it will ever really happen but just getting the attention from him feels so good! Ok peeps, that is all for now. Thanks for reading... xoxo.

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